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Amber Cronin print - Superb Fairy Wren

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Water colour print


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* Un-framed (quantity – 10)

*complete set of 4 (unframed)

Amber Cronin print - Fan Tailed Cuckoo

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Water colour print


* Framed (quantity – 1)

* Un-framed (quantity – 10)

*complete set of 4 (unframed)

Amber Cronin print - Crimson Rosella

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Water colour print


* Framed (quantity – 1)

* Un-framed (quantity – 10)

*complete set of 4 (unframed)

Amber Cronin print - Magpie

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Water colour print


* Framed (SOLD)

* Un-framed (quantity – 10)

*complete set of 4 (unframed)

Stop Bushland Weeds. A guide to successful weeding in South Australia’s bushland (2nd Edition, 2005)

Book Details

A totally new revised and improved edition of the popular book Stop Bushland Weeds A guide to successful weeding in South Australia bushland is now available.

The book explains how landholders, natural resource managers, Friends of Parks and volunteers can work to get habitat back into healthy condition by controlling environmental weeds.

It is an essential resource for everyone involved in managing our native vegetation.

The new edition is indispensable for all people with some bushland to manage because:

  • It includes information on over 20 new environmental weeds,
  • Over 100 bushland weeds/weeds of the bush are described and illustrated,
  • Bulbs, grasses, climbers, scramblers, thistles and shrubs are all covered,
  • There is more emphasis on grassy weeds,
  • Information is provided on "native invaders from other states,
  • It explains how weeds threaten bushland,
  • It sets out how best to plan weed control,
  • It includes techniques for removing weeds without damaging the bush, and
  • It includes new best practice methods of controlling weeds.

Make haste slowly in bush management work is a strong theme in this book:

Environmental weed control needs to be undertaken at a rate that will let the bush recover and take over the space that was filled with weeds. Sometimes this is quite slow but the end result will be worth it. While it is tempting to try to maximise your efforts by starting right ‘in the thick of it’, scattered infestations and small patches should usually be managed first.

It is important that the larger infestations are kept under control while reducing them in an area by working along the “weed front”, where the weeds meet the bush.

20 Nature Walks in the Mt. Lofty Ranges (3rd Edition, 2004)

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The Walks with Nature program leads people on free public nature walks in the Mount Lofty Ranges each year. Over 40,000 people have enjoyed these walks since 1975.

Now the Nature Conservation Society of South Australia, gives you Walks with Nature, the book.

Detailed maps and instructions help you explore out-of-the-way corners in 20 spectacular national parks at Adelaide’s back door.

But this is more than a walking book! It also introduces you to fascinating plants and animals of the ranges.

So what are you waiting for? Grab this book and head for the hills!

BCM Manual - Northern & Yorke Peninsula (2007) (Vols 1, 2 & 3)

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BCM Manual – Northern & Yorke Peninsula (2007) (Vols 1, 2 & 3)

BCM Manual - Northern & Yorke Peninsula (2007) (Vol 3)

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BCM Manual – Northern & Yorke Peninsula (2007) (Vol 3)

BCM Manual - Coastal Vegetation

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BCM Manual – Coastal Vegetation

BCM Manual - Southern Mt. Lofty Ranges (2008) (Vols 1, 2 & 3)

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BCM Manual – Southern Mt. Lofty Ranges (2008) (Vols 1, 2 & 3)

BCM Manual - Southern Mt. Lofty Ranges (2008) (Vol 1)

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BCM Manual – Southern Mt. Lofty Ranges (2008) (Vol 1)

BCM Manual - Southern Mt. Lofty Ranges (2008) (Vol 3)

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BCM Manual – Southern Mt. Lofty Ranges (2008) (Vol 3)

Biological Survey of permanent water sites within the SA Murray Darling Basin (2010)

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The waterways or ephemeral systems of the South Australian Murray Darling Basin (SA MDB) rangelands are unique to the area and have not been previously studied to create a comprehensive baseline for flora and fauna.

This lack of information greatly increases the risk of poor decision making and limits the decisions regarding management strategies and their impacts within the rangelands. The SA MDB rangelands biological survey has drawn on existing information and newly surveyed information together to provide natural resource managers with a more comprehensive identification of the unique assets of the rangelands. The biological survey focused on collecting baseline biological data including aquatic and terrestrial flora and fauna at eight permanent water sites.

Eight formal Department for Environment and Heritage Biological Survey sites were established, where data was collected on vegetation, terrestrial mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and birds. All fauna was also opportunistically sampled to distance of 1 km from each survey site.

Biological Survey of cemeteries of the South East (2008)

Book Details
In the spring of 2007 the Nature Conservation Society of South Australia undertook a survey of native vegetation in cemeteries in the South East of South Australia. The aim of the Survey was to assess the floristic and avian biodiversity assets of cemeteries within the local government areas of Tatiara, Naracoorte Lucindale, Wattle Range, Robe, Grant, and Kingston.

Overall a total of 201 native plant species were recorded in the 15 quadrat sites surveyed. Thirty seven of these species, or approximately 20%, were found to be of Regional or State conservation significance. All but two of the survey quadrats contained one or more species of Regional significance.

Biological Survey of Mt. Bold Reservoir Reserve (2006)

Book Details
Mount Bold Reservoir Reserve is located within the southern Mount Lofty Ranges and contains the largest reservoir in South Australia. The reserve is 5544 ha in size and is managed by SA Water. The focus of management is water quality and catchment management with access to the reserve restricted to ensure optimal water quality and environmental protection. Over half of the reserve contains remnant vegetation in moderate to excellent condition and as such is considered to be an important area of remnant vegetation within the southern Mount Lofty Ranges.

The Nature Conservation Society of South Australia received funding from SA Water and the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board to conduct a biological survey at Mount Bold Reservoir Reserve. Sixteen survey sites were established using Biological Survey of South Australia methodology in a variety of vegetation and habitat types. All 16 sites were surveyed for vegetation and bird species with most sites surveyed for mammals, reptiles and invertebrates.

Pink Gum Woodland Remnants: A survey of vegetation, birds and bushland condition in the Clayton-Milang area of SA (2005)

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Pink Gum Woodland Remnants: A survey of vegetation, birds and bushland condition in the Clayton-Milang area of SA (2005)

Biodiversity of Hopkins Creek, South Australia: A biological survey of flora and fauna (2004)

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Biodiversity of Hopkins Creek, South Australia: A biological survey of flora and fauna (2004)

Flora and Fauna Survey of Grassy Ecosystems in the Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges (2003)

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The Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges of South Australia have become the focus of a campaign to promote and enhance the grassy ecosystems characteristic of the region. In line with this focus the Eastern Hills and Murray Plains Catchment Group and the Goolwa-Wellington Local Action Planning Gorup funded the Nature Conservation Society of South Australia to conduct a flora and fauna survey of the Eastern Hills region of South Australia on their behalf.

Biological Survey of the Remnant Habitats in the Kulliparu Region (2000)

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Biological Survey of the Remnant Habitats in the Kulliparu Region (2000)

Biological Survey and Monitoring in the South Para Region (2000)

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Biological Survey and Monitoring in the South Para Region (2000)

The Biodiversity and Natural History of Warraweena (2000)

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The Biodiversity and Natural History of Warraweena (2000)

Flora and Fauna Survey of Gum Lagoon Conservation Park 1995 - 1996 (2000)

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Flora and Fauna Survey of Gum Lagoon Conservation Park 1995 – 1996 (2000)

Mokota Conservation Park, Burra Hills SA: A Baseline Biodiversity Study (2000)

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Mokota Conservation Park, Burra Hills SA: A Baseline Biodiversity Study (2000)

Gammon Ranges National Park: Flora and Fauna Survey and Vegetation (1999)

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Gammon Ranges National Park: Flora and Fauna Survey and Vegetation (1999)

Chowilla Floodplain Biological Study (1990)

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Chowilla Floodplain Biological Study (1990)

Aldinga Scrub Conservation Park (1989)

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Aldinga Scrub Conservation Park (1989)

Mid-North Cemeteries and Reserves Vegetation Survey (2000)

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Mid-North Cemeteries and Reserves Vegetation Survey (2000)

Vegetation Survey of Disused Railway Corridors in the Mid-North (1994)

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Vegetation Survey of Disused Railway Corridors in the Mid-North (1994)

Distribution and Status of the Swamp Antechinus (2001)

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Distribution and Status of the Swamp Antechinus (2001)

Fauna Survey of Mount Brown Conservation Park (1995)

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Fauna Survey of Mount Brown Conservation Park (1995)

Biological Survey of the Fleurieu Peninsula Swamps (1998)

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Biological Survey of the Fleurieu Peninsula Swamps (1998)

Biological Survey of the Coffin Bay–Lincoln Bush Corridor (1994)

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Biological Survey of the Coffin Bay–Lincoln Bush Corridor (1994)

Distribution and status of the Eastern Pygmy Possum (2002)

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Distribution and status of the Eastern Pygmy Possum (2002)

Distribution, Habitat Preference & Status of the Kangaroo Island Dunnart (1996)

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Distribution, Habitat Preference & Status of the Kangaroo Island Dunnart (1996)

Grassy Woodlands within Forestry SA Native Vegetation Blocks MLR (2002)

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Grassy Woodlands within Forestry SA Native Vegetation Blocks MLR (2002)

Habitat use and abundance of dryland birds in heritage areas in the upper South East of S.A. (1999)

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Habitat use and abundance of dryland birds in heritage areas in the upper South East of S.A.  (1999)

Mt. Brown Conservation Park Vegetation Survey (1995)

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Mt. Brown Conservation Park Vegetation Survey (1995)

The Birds of Middle and Lower Cooper Creek in S.A. (1989)

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The Birds of Middle and Lower Cooper Creek in S.A. (1989)

Conservation of Major Plant Associations in S.A. (1982)

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Conservation of Major Plant Associations in S.A. (1982)

The Ecology of the Common Wombat in S.A. (1986)

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The Ecology of the Common Wombat in S.A. (1986)

Wirra – the bush that was Adelaide (1986)

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Wirra – the bush that was Adelaide (1986)

Nature Conservation Society of South Australia
5 Milner Street Hindmarsh
South Australia, 5007

[email protected]
ABN 40 538 422 811

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