Become a NCSSA Member

Nature Conservation Society of South Australia



    Membership signup / renewal

As a member of NCS you become part of a long legacy of advocacy, research, and engagement. We are so grateful to all our members for their knowledge, heart, and skills in our mission to ensure that native species and their habitats are conserved through South Australian landscapes, safeguarding our unique nature now and for the future.

All memberships are for one year and commence / renew on receipt of payment.

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Advocacy | Research | Engagement


Dozens of policies shaped & challenged

For six decades we’ve spoken up for nature at the local, State & Federal level


Many parks created

We’ve used our science to lobby for the creation of around one third of the parks, reserves and protected areas that South Australians enjoy today 


Stopped broadscale vegetation clearance

With our partners we campaigned to introduce the Native Vegetation Act 1991, halting broadscale vegetation clearance in SA 


Made nature mainstream

We helped put conservation on the mainstream political agenda by campaigning to establish the State Department of Environment and Conservation in 1971 


100s of biological surveys

We’ve collected data on flora & fauna throughout SA 

Nature Conservation Society of South Australia
5 Milner Street Hindmarsh
South Australia, 5007

[email protected]
ABN 40 538 422 811

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