Did you know the NCS speaks and acts for nature without compromise.

We don’t align to a political party, We don’t take money from offsets or companies that are seeking to balance their motives.

We speak and act for NATURE alone, and we can’t speak or act without you

The NCS knows that with the right investment and with the right actions we can reverse species decline.

With your help we are able to speak louder and participate in more action to protect South Australia’s Nature NOW and for the FUTURE – join us by donating today.

We need you


How about joining our members?

We truly value our members and have a strong commitment in NCS. Two of our Founding Members recently stated:

The Nature Conservation Society is as relevant and needed today and for the future as when it was first established. The ongoing program of activity, building on the solid earlier work of the biological snapshot surveys and ongoing strategic input into land and protected area management, has contributed much to better outcomes for nature. We have come a long way since the early 1960s when the then chief bureaucrat responsible for fauna and flora could comment that for him ‘to conserve’ all about making jam!” Anne and Peter Reeves

We’d love to welcome you aboard!

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Nature Conservation Society of South Australia
5 Milner Street Hindmarsh
South Australia, 5007

[email protected]
ABN 40 538 422 811

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